09. EPT UK Meeting
This design took place in the context of design 08 EPT Partnership. Its aim was to design and deliver the UK meeting of this 2 year long international partnership project.
Design Report
Appendix A: Survey
I visited potential venues, shot film and posted it on Youtube so that other EPT participants (many living in other countries) could get a sense of the spaces we'd be meeting in before they arrived. Because many of them would be running sessions, micro-teaches and facilitating meetings, this would aid their planning before their arrival.
Appendix B: Design - multiple Iterations of the Programme
I applied the adapted the concept of zoning to help differentiate between different phases of the meeting, and to emphasise the fact that the intensity of support, interaction and work all increase towards the middle of the event.
1_program_-_zones.pdf |
After zoning I applied one of the patterns that the partnership had agreed to use during our meeting at Escherode (see design 08)
2_program_-_high_level_pattern.pdf |
After applying the pattern, I added detail. "3_program_-_next_level_pattern.pdf" represents the extent of the detail that I added. Beyond this, the final leel of detail was added collaboratively or by others.
3_program_-_next_level_pattern.pdf |
The last file in this section - "4_programme_-_detailed.pdf" shows the final programme, once the Coordination, Process and Cultivating Learning teams had all added their respective details.
4_program_-_detailed.pdf |
Appendix C: Design - BUdget
I made the event budget publicly available via google drive while planning the event. This was to aid transparency and reduce the likelihood of any mistrust arising - an important consideration after the tricky Portugal meeting.
budget.pdf |
Appendix D: Design - Online Registration
The registration document was recycled from a previous EPT event. I made it available through google drive, so people with access could register themselves. This saved me work in terms of taking bookings and recording information etc. I have removed personal data for this version.
registration.pdf |
Appendix E: Design - Orientation Information
orientation.pdf |
orientation_creative_teaching_methods_course.pdf |
Appendix F: Design - Accommodation schedule
accommodation.pdf |
Appendix G: Implementation - activities during the meeting
Davie Philip (AKA Professor Pedagogy) explains a bit about pedagogy...
Andy Goldring presents the Permaculture Association during the EPT visit to the office.
Appendix H: Evaluation - Report to Leonardo
This section contains the evaluation performed by Ben Burnley, the French partner. It formed part of the report he submitted to the French national agency for the Leonardo da Vinci funding stream. It also fed into the mid-term reports that we all submitted (see design 08)
evaluation.pdf |
Appendix I: Evaluation - attendee Comments
Attendees were asked to write comments on the hosting of the event. In particular they were asked what was good and what could be done differently.
attendee_comments.pdf |